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ATM Security

Be alert and aware of your surroundings

  • Use ATMs in well-lit areas and in clear view of pedestrians and vehicle traffic.
  • Park your car as close to the ATM as possible when using a walk-up ATM.
  • Leave your engine running and doors locked when using a drive-up ATM.
  • If you notice suspicious activities, report them to us and the local police.

Minimize your time spent at the ATM

  • Have your ATM card ready to use.
  • Shield your body so others can't see you enter your PIN.
  • Use discretion when counting money. Put your money, card and receipt away promptly.

Protecting your PIN

  • Memorize your PIN! Giving your PIN to someone is like giving away signed blank checks.
  • Never use any easily recognized number as your PIN (house number, birth date, etc.)

Guard against transaction fraud

  • Always take your card from the ATM once your transaction is complete.
  • Keep your receipts for your records.
  • Report irregular transactions to us immediately.

Report lost or stolen cards

  • Notify us immediately. During business hours call your local branch or 1-888-959-9425. After hours, call 1-800-236-2442.

How can we help?

Contact us